Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge

Chapter 76 Act 13: Scene 7

Chapter 76 Act 13: Scene 7

"Aren\'t you excited, senpai? We\'re going to be living in the same room together~"

"I\'m just glad you didn\'t say anything regarding that in front of our classmates earlier."

At the same time, walking through the hallway of the 4th floor of the first dorm building, were Ayanokouji Kiyotaka and his newly-established roommate.

After their discussion with Chairman Sakayanagi was over earlier in the morning, the two returned to Class D\'s classroom. Upon getting there, Kiyotaka noticed that homeroom had already ended and Chabashira-sensei had already left.

Because their teacher was already gone, both Kiyotaka and Ichika were bombarded by questions from their classmates. The boys confronted Kiyotaka about his possible relationship with Amasawa who was supposed to be a \'guest\', while the girls questioned Ichika regarding her relationship with Ayanokouji and how she knew him.

Kiyotaka simply ignored the boys who kept on asking him, while Ichika entertained the girls by answering their questions with even more questions. Fortunately for them, it wouldn\'t last long because Majima-sensei would arrive after a few minutes in order to start their second period.

Where did Ichika sit for the remainder of the day?

Since she was considered a guest to the school and the rest of the teachers were made aware of her presence by Chabashira-sensei, Ichika sat at a lone chair near the door, giving her a good view of the whole class as they went through the day.

After all their classes ended, Kiyotaka didn\'t want to take any chances and quickly left the classroom with Ichika following after him. He knew that if they stayed, they would be questioned endlessly once again.

And now, they were on their way to his dorm unit. Wait, scratch that. Their dorm unit. They were going to be living together from now on, after all.

"You don\'t have to worry about me saying anything, senpai. I wouldn\'t throw you to the wolves like that," she chuckled. "But you\'re pretty lucky, you know? You get to live with such a cute girl like me."

"I can\'t even imagine why..." he replied dryly as his thought went elsewhere. "It\'s strange, though... the only ones who didn\'t approach Amasawa earlier were Horikita, Kushida, Matsushita, Karuizawa, and Sakura. Even when classes ended, none of them approached her, or even me."

It wasn\'t a coincidence that the only people who didn\'t question Ichika were also his heroines.

At best, they were only jealous of Ichika because of what she did in front of everyone earlier. At worst, they could be planning something big and might confront Amasawa later on, which he hoped wasn\'t the case. Kushida was bad enough, he didn\'t want three other heroines to give in to jealousy in a bad way.

At the very least, he can be assured that Sakura isn\'t the type of person to act like that. Bless her soul.

After opening the door to his unit, Amasawa didn\'t waste any time and rushed inside, before quickly making herself comfortable on his bed.

"That\'s about what I expected from her," Kiyotaka sighed internally as he went inside and closed the door. He then sat down on the chair by his desk, allowing himself a moment of rest because he knew that the day wasn\'t for him just yet.

He now had to figure out how to deal with his current situation, which was Amasawa being his permanent roommate from now on.

If Kiyotaka had to be honest, having a roommate didn\'t really sound bad... it might even be an interesting scenario. However, Amasawa was... something else.

If only she was more like Nanase, who was sweet, caring, kind, and didn\'t bother him much unless she had something to ask...

"I\'ll end up missing her presence at this rate," he sighed to himself.

"Ne, senpai~" Ichika\'s voice filled his ears. "Can you give me a kiss? I\'ve always wanted to receive a kiss from the famed \'Masterpiece\' of the White Room."

Kiyotaka shot her a blank stare.

Seriously, is this girl obsessed with him that much? And does she even know the things she\'s asking him to do? Earlier, she tackled him to the ground with a hug like it was nothing and now she wants him to kiss her?

It\'s like he\'s dealing with an Arisu who can walk and seemingly has no sense of shame.

Kiyotaka could only hope that he can get used to this... the system would help him, right?

Especially against a fellow White Room student... right?

"If that\'s your way of flirting with me, then I have to say that it\'s a horrible way of doing so, Amasawa."

"Oh come on... I just want to know what it feels like to kiss you, senpai," Ichika then pouted and her eyes turned downcast. "Am I not pretty enough for you?"

He winced for a moment at seeing her sad look, fearing that it might cause the system to do something. Thankfully, nothing happened and he was able to quickly formulate a response.

"If you want me to do that, you\'re going to have to earn it first."

The sad look on Ichika\'s face instantly disappeared, and was replaced with a smirk. "Is that what you told Karuizawa-senpai and those other girls in your class whom you also kissed?"

Kiyotaka blinked a few times, surprised that she knew about what happened with him and his other heroines earlier.

"You know what? I\'m not even gonna ask how she knew about that," he shook his head and sighed. For sure, it\'s the work of his superpower and nothing more. "In case you missed it, they\'re the ones who kissed me. Not the other way around."

"Then would it be fine if I\'m the one who kissed you, senpai?" Ichika looked at him with a sultry smile gracing her lips.

"I\'ll push you away before that happens."

"That\'s not fair, senpai. You didn\'t push away those other girls in your class when they did it."

Figuring that answering her yet again will only lead to a never-ending banter between them, Kiyotaka chose to ignore her for now and focus on what\'s important, that being the matter of Ichika\'s presence in his dorm unit from now on.

The first issue that he had in mind... is the issue of where Ichika would sleep.

Obviously, the first that came to his mind is to buy a futon for the girl to sleep in. Yes, a place for Ichika to sleep in. There\'s no way he would let her sleep on his bed while he spends nights on a futon. This was still his room and it was his bed.

But the big problem with that... is the possibility of Ichika sneaking into his mattress regardless.

Even though it hasn\'t happened yet, he could already tell that this girl could think about doing such a thing just to mess with him or tease him in any way. If it\'s not one of those reasons, then she would do so just to sleep next to him.

And in that instance, buying a futon would be pointless in the long run because the younger girl wouldn\'t even be interested in using it.

"I have one question for you, Amasawa. If I buy you a spare futon, will you use it as something to sleep in or will you sneak in my bed instead? Answer that honestly."

Ichika blinked a few times in surprise, before she smirked.

"Oh dear, oh dear... you\'re accusing me of possibly sleeping in your bed already, senpai? That\'s cruel of you..."

"Answer the question already."

"Hmm... nope. A futon\'s no fun. I\'d rather sleep next to you, senpai~" she giggled. "Don\'t you think that would be better than sleeping separately?"

"If it was Nanase, she wouldn\'t even think of being in the same bed as me," Kiyotaka sighed mentally. "I thought so."

Okay, buying a futon is definitely out of the question and now, the only option left is what his kouhai wants in the first place.

"All right, I\'ll allow you to sleep in my bed," he relented while folding his arms across his chest. "But you have to follow these rules."

Ichika straightened her posture, as she began to listen like an obedient student.

"First off, don\'t even think of going to sleep without having any clothes on."

Ichika gasped softly.

"How impure of you, senpai. Are you perhaps saying that I\'m going to sleep right beside you while being naked?" she asked in complete shock, as her face turned red from the thought of sleeping in her birthday suit next to Kiyotaka.

Truth be told, it wasn\'t in her mind to do something like that but now that her senpai suggested it, Ichika felt that the idea had merit...

\'I\'m not taking any chances," the young man argued.

He was just being careful, that\'s all. Amasawa was already proving herself to be way bolder than Sakayanagi in her advances and honestly, he wouldn\'t be surprised if this girl asks if she could join him in the shower in the future.

"You know, senpai... the fact that you think I\'ll be lying on your bed next to you with no clothes on... it makes you sound like a pervert!" she giggled, recovering from her embarrassment as she threw him a seductive look. "Do I turn you on like that~?"

Kiyotaka merely rolled his eyes. He had no idea if he made things worse by even suggesting the idea, but he made his intentions clear.

"I assume you already understand my point, so moving on..." He then walked to the nearby drawer and opened the third compartment. "Second rule, you\'ll be changing the bedsheets every week. I used to change it every two weeks, but now it\'s more appropriate that it gets changed on a weekly basis. Understand?"

Ichika nodded with a smile.

"And third, which is the most important rule, please don\'t do anything weird while we\'re in the same bed. Because of certain circumstances, I rarely get enough hours of sleep everyday and when I do lie down to rest, I don\'t want anything disturbing me. Is that clear enough for you, Amasawa?"

"No disturbing senpai at all. Got it~"

Kiyotaka doubted that the girl truly understood his last point because it didn\'t feel like she was taking him seriously, but he\'ll see if she did later on tonight. For now, though, he was satisfied at the girl\'s obedience and willingness to listen.

"I\'m glad we see eye to eye on that," he gave a satisfied nod and sighed. "Now, is there anything you want to eat for dinner?"

Ichika smiled.

"I\'ll be happy with whatever you make, senpai."


Kiyotaka prepared a simple dinner consisting of udon and onigiri for him and his companion. He had to admit, having someone to eat dinner with him was a better experience than being alone, though it would have been better without the constant teasing from Ichika.

After finishing dinner, Kiyotaka went straight to the bathroom for a shower since he still wanted an early rest today, especially after everything that he went through.

Looks like the month won\'t pass without the system messing with him one more time for good measure, huh?

After a nice and refreshing shower, Kiyotaka brushed his teeth and immediately threw himself on his bed. He positioned himself right next to the wall, leaving some space for Ichika since they were going to be occupying the same bed.

Considering everything that happened today, the young man was glad that it was only 8:03 in the evening. He still had time for a relaxing sleep for 10 hours or more with nothing to bother him, unless his companion decides to be one.

"You\'re already giving me space, senpai? How kind of you~" Ichika\'s voice rang in his ears once again, as he turned to face his smirking kouhai, who had just finished taking a shower and brushing his teeth like him. "I also appreciate you lending me one of your shirts... hmm, I think I want to keep this for myself!"

There she stood, right next to the bed while wearing one of his shirts which was way too big for her that it reached her thighs. Her hair was also let down, which gave her a completely different look than her twin-tailed appearance.

Kiyotaka only sighed. He was glad that he asked the chairman earlier to let Ichika have the benefit of being given the same 100,000 point allowance like for every other student here. If he didn\'t, then he would have been forced to ask someone like Wang to lend Ichika some clothes.

For now, he decided to lend the girl one of his shirts... but that also led to another problem, in the form of what Ichika wore down there.

The girl only wore her panties and nothing more, which actually amused her. For Kiyotaka, it was a good thing that his shirt acted as a dress for her because of its size. That way, he wouldn\'t have to see her underwear... unless this girl decides to mess with him by letting him have a peek, of course.

"Don\'t even think about it," he warned her. "Tomorrow, we\'re going to the mall to buy you some clothes with the points you were given. You\'re only borrowing my shirt, remember that."

Ichika\'s eyes brightened in happiness. "A shopping date with senpai? I can\'t wait!"

Kiyotaka wasn\'t surprised that she interpreted his words in that way, so he just sighed in exasperation. "Just remember what we talked about earlier..."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry. I remember the three rules you told me, senpai. But look at me right now," Ichika smiled seductively as she struck a sexy pose in front of him. "Don\'t I look good~?"

Instead of replying to her question, Kiyotaka only turned around, facing the wall instead, which earned a giggle from the scarlet-haired girl.

"Good night, senpai~"

As he felt Ichika lying down beside him, Kiyotaka retreated into his thoughts.

"This has got to be the most bizarre day that I\'ve ever had..." he said to himself. "Even more than the bathhouse that appeared out of nowhere a few weeks ago, and that was already quite a handful to deal with."

The only saving grace he had was that it was a weekend tomorrow, so there was no need for him to wake up early. He could sleep in if he wanted to but then again, he wasn\'t the only one who\'s living in this unit anymore. He would have to wake up before his roommate in order to prepare breakfast for the two of them...

Either way, he had two days to himself and he wasn\'t going to waste any of it.

However, all of that won\'t do anything against the shitstorm that would be waiting for him when he goes back to school next week.

Sure, it\'ll be the start of the month next week with their monthly points being deposited to their accounts but it wasn\'t just that.

Kiyotaka didn\'t need someone to tell him that kissing three of his classmates would come back to bite him in the ass, because he already knew that it would. There\'s also the fact that he has an unknown relationship with the \'guest\' who arrived in their classroom earlier in the morning, which will surely cause a lot of students to find out about Ichika.

As a matter of fact, he was completely sure that by now, his name was starting to become a hot topic among the 1st year students. Knowing his classmates and how much a lot of them were into gossip, there\'s no doubt that news of today will quickly spread around the school.

Heh... he could already see the news reaching Class A and Sakayanagi\'s possible reaction to it... she\'ll probably try to kiss him again to get even with Chiaki. With Class B, it would likely end up in Ichinose avoiding him even more out of embarrassment, which he hoped would not happen. In Class C with Shiina... who knows? The girl was too innocent for her own good, so she might not have a big reaction compared to his other heroines.

Oh, and speaking of which...

"Amasawa," he called out to the person behind him. "Are you asleep yet?"

Ichika chuckled softly. "I\'m still here, senpai. Why? Do you want to do dirty things with me~?"

"Would you mind doing something for me?" he asked, ignoring her last question.

"Hmm... as long as I can ask for something from you in return, senpai, then sure~"

"I want you to check on Class C and keep an eye out for them."

"Class C? Is there someone who caught your attention from that class, senpai?"

"Not really someone. More like the class itself as a whole because of what I\'ve learned about it," he replied, remembering a certain excerpt from Hiyori\'s \'summary\' that he kept in mind up until now...

...about her class being seemingly led through violence.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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